GI Function Select statement

Posted 5 months ago by Retha van Alphen

Retha van Alphen
Un Answered

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GI Function have the Select. 

=GI(Connection, Name, Filter, Select, IncludeHeader)

This is the  Comma-separated list of field names to be included in the resulting dataset.

How can I return the values in the Select statement & include Header with own defined Caption?

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Retha van Alphen posted 5 months ago

Hallo Yes the explanation is correct the issue is that the Velixo GI does not accept the Acumatica Caption value. Hence I am unable to use the values in the columns

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Miron Shikhov

Miron Shikhov posted 5 months ago Admin

Hi Retha,

You need to keep the Select argument with the required columns, set IncludeHeader = FALSE, and then add a new row before the GI function with the manually added headers.

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