Distribution List

Created by Harry Lewis, Modified on Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 12:11 PM by Harry Lewis

Applies to:

  • Velixo Classic
  • Velixo NX
  • Acumatica, Sage Intacct, MYOB Advanced, Cegid XRP Flex, Haufe x360, Jamis Prime


The Distribution List feature can be used with a desktop installation of the traditional edition of MS Outlook to quickly distribute reports to a large number of users with a single click.  Reports can be sent by e-mail or simply saved to a folder in a variety of formats. You have the freedom to include specific content (sheets/tabs) or use different parameters (company, branch, division, financial period, etc.) based on the recipient.  Highly sensitive data can be password protected.


Example use cases:


  • E-mail a monthly performance dashboard in PDF format to the manager of every location of your 200-location business.

  • Send detailed financials to your area/group managers in Excel format.

  • Prepare a complete financial reporting package for your shareholders, removing Acumatica formulas and hyperlinks for people without access to your ERP system.

  • Archive the final version of your monthly reports to a network share with clear and consistent naming.

  • E-mail a PDF version of your project progress report to project managers every week.

These are just some examples of what can be achieved — Report Distribution lists are extremely versatile, powerful, yet very simple to use.


For more information and examples, see Using Distibution Lists.

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